SMM Fundamentals Exam Certification Questions and Answers

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1- True Or False? Repeatedly Publishing Blog Posts On The Exact Same Or Very Similar Subjects Isn’t A Good Strategy Because All Of These Blog Posts Will Compete With Each Other For Indexing In Search Engines.

  • False
  • True

Answer:- True

2- True Or False? The LinkedIn Blogging Platform Is Available For Both Personal And Business Pages.

  • False
  • True

Answer:- False

3- True Or False? Embedding Custom Pixel To Your Website Helps Retarget People Who Should Already Have An Affinity For You But For Some Reason Have Not Converted To Liking Your Page Or Engaging With Your Content.

  • False
  • True

Answer:- True

4- True Or False? Since Salespeople Operate From Their Personal Profiles, They Can Engage And Connect With Anyone, And They Should Take Advantage Of This Opportunity To Expand Their Network And Expose Their Company’s Content To A Larger Audience.

  • False
  • True

Answer:- True

5- True Or False? You Should Use KPIs Or Metrics To Determine Your Social Media Campaign’s Success Only If Your Business Goal Is Sales.

  • True
  • False

Answer:- False

6- Mark The True Statement.

  • Social media today represents the convergence of communication and information
  • Social media is meant only for sharing personal content and maintaining personal relationships
  • Blogs are good for individuals but not for businesses

Answer:- Social media today represents the convergence of communication and information

7- What Is The Recommended Number Of Social Media Channels To Concentrate On For The Purpose Of A/B Testing?

  • Three
  • Two
  • One
  • Four

Answer:- Two

8- Fill In The Blank: Employee Advocacy Works Better For ______ Companies.

  • C2B
  • B2C
  • B2B

Answer:- B2B

9- What Is The Right Order Of Steps In The Deming Circle?

  • Do, Check, Plan, Action
  • Plan, Do, Check, Action
  • Plan, Check, Do, Action
  • Plan, Action, Check, Do

Answer:- Plan, Do, Check, Action

10- What Type Of Paid Social Will Give You The Possibility To Measure ROI?

  • Boost your content so that it is seen by the desired number of your followers
  • Promote a product that can generate a new sale
  • Like or follow campaigns to achieve a desired number of followers

Answer:- Promote a product that can generate a new sale

11- What Is The Most Effective Way To Send Social Signals Via Twitter And To Be Noticed By Someone Whose Tweets You Share?

  • Like the post
  • Retweet their posts and mention them with their @username
  • Follow them and mention them in a tweet using their real name
  • Add them to one of your Twitter Lists

Answer:- Retweet their posts and mention them with their @username

12- Which Strategy Do Modern Companies (Especially Startups) Choose To Get Their Product Seen?

  • Choose the digital media channel that seems to be the most popular at the time and focus on one channel
  • Invest the majority of their money in traditional marketing channels like television, radio, magazines, etc.
  • Bet on digital marketing and create stories that will help potential customers with their purchasing decision and be heard throughout the buyer’s journey

Answer:- Bet on digital marketing and create stories that will help potential customers with their purchasing decision and be heard throughout the buyer’s journey

13- Which Of The Following Ideas For Posting On Instagram Will Help You Create A Visual Voice For Your Brand? Choose Three Options.

  • Post video ads for your product as Instagram Stories on a regular basis
  • Post plain photos of your product
  • Share photos of people that use your products
  • Analyze the most engaging types of photos on your competitor’s profiles
  • Take photos of your employees and have them make selfies to humanize your brand
  • Publish good-looking stock pictures of your product


  • Share photos of people that use your products
  • Analyze the most engaging types of photos on your competitor’s profiles
  • Take photos of your employees and have them make selfies to humanize your brand

14- If You Work For A Sportswear Company, What Type Of Content Should You Publish In Order To Strengthen Your Company’s Personal Branding?

  • Posts directly advertising your company’s goods
  • Posts about a healthy lifestyle
  • Your personal content
  • Something that has no connection with your business
Answer:- Posts about a healthy lifestyle

15- What Can’t Be Done On Facebook?

  • Creating open groups to increase engagement
  • Engaging the public with live stream video
  • Advertising both your business and personal accounts
  • Creating VIP closed communities to share special offers and special content

Answer:- Advertising both your business and personal accounts

16- What Is The Main Idea Of Digital Relationship Marketing?

  • Using email marketing to engage people who do not use the Internet for search
  • Combining organic and paid social efforts
  • Collaborating with people who share content that can help gain visibility for your company in the trusted news feeds of others

Answer:- Collaborating with people who share content that can help gain visibility for your company in the trusted news feeds of others

17- Why Is Audience Retention In Your YouTube Analytics Important?

  • It helps you analyze when people start to lack interest in your video content
  • It helps you see the numbers of views and likes you have received
  • It helps you understand your traffic sources

Answer:- It helps you analyze when people start to lack interest in your video content

18- Which Of The Following Ways Of Measuring Your Social Media Results We Call Comparative Metrics?

  • The metrics that show you the difference between your and your competitors social media performance
  • The metrics that show you the difference of how many retweets you got for a certain post and likes that you got for another post
  • The metrics that show you the amount of generating website traffic or getting new leads on your website

Answer:- The metrics that show you the difference between your and your competitors social media performance

19- Choose The Right Statements About Hashtags On Instagram. Choose Two Options.

  • It is advisable to use a mix of very popular, mildly popular and less popular hashtags
  • A hashtag only make sense in the post description but not in the comments
  • 5-15 is the recommended number of hashtags for the post
  • You can add up to 35 hashtags to a publication


  • It is advisable to use a mix of very popular, mildly popular and less popular hashtags
  • 5-15 is the recommended number of hashtags for the post

20- What Is The Name Of The Content Manufacturing Process In Which You Divide A Single Piece Of Content Into Multiple Pieces That Can Be Used On Various Social Media Channels?

  • Creation of evergreen content
  • Content repurposing
  • Content curation

Answer:- Content repurposing

21- What Statements Are True About The Content Buckets Approach? Choose Two Options.

  • You should align the weight of each content bucket with your business objectives
  • It is better to choose one channel and concentrate on promoting it
  • Use feedback from how different content buckets perform on different social media channels to tweak your strategy
  • You have to share the same weight between all your posts


  • You should align the weight of each content bucket with your business objectives
  • Use feedback from how different content buckets perform on different social media channels to tweak your strategy

22- Which Social Media Network Has The Second Highest Amount Of Social Media-Generated Website Traffic After Facebook?

  • Pinterest
  • Youtube
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Answer:- Pinterest

23- FiIl In The Blank: _______ Are The Most Challenging Group Of People To Work With If You Don’t Know Them Personally, But In Order To Achieve Success Through Social Media Marketing They Are Potentially The Most Rewarding.

  • Followers
  • Influencers
  • Brand advocates
  • Your employees

Answer:- Influencers

24- Fill In The Blanks: To Determine Which Social Media Channels To Spend Time On, You Should Start With A Social Media Audit. Then, You Should Analyze Your Competitors’ Social Media Presence. Although You Can’t Get Data On Your _______, Which Is The Most Important, You Can Analyze Your _______ Rate And Publishing _______ Among Other Metrics.

  • engagement rate, conversion, frequency
  • link clicks, engagement, frequency
  • community size, conversion, quality

Answer:- link clicks, engagement, frequency

25- What Should We Call An Influencer With 543 Followers?

  • Micro Influencer
  • Macro Influencer
  • Nano Influencer
  • Mini Influencer

Answer:- Nano Influencer

26- What Is The First Step For A Business That Wants To Start A Social Media Program?

  • Link new and existing content with your own content as well as with other people’s
  • Find the most appropriate social media channels and content mediums for your business
  • Produce relevant and engaging content

Answer:- Find the most appropriate social media channels and content mediums for your business

27- Which Factors Will Help You To Be Seen Despite The Changing Social Network Algorithms Of Any Given Social Network? Choose Four Answers.

  • Always using hashtags regardless of social network
  • Historical performance of your posts
  • Avoiding personal pages
  • Your type of content
  • Current performance of your post
  • Your follower-to-following ratio should be constant
  • Recency of content


  • Historical performance of your posts
  • Your type of content
  • Current performance of your post
  • Recency of content

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