How to Detect Secret Chat Group of My Employees With WhatsApp Spy App

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Let me keep my sad and pathetic story short for all of you. In an attempt to be a cool boss I made an office group on different instant messenger chat app with the aim that if anyone wants to share or rant about anything, they are welcome. Well, there was no such progress so I thought maybe they all are satisfied with our services and don’t want much change perhaps in anything. So the group chat was lying therewith almost zero activity.

One day it was revealed that other group chats are very active among the employees and are frequently used to discuss official and unofficial matters. Most importantly they are used to ranting about office stuff, of course about the evil boss and other things like this and much more. Although it was not planned one of the new interns unconsciously asked me in a welcome lunch that everyone is in the chat group so why not I am the participant. Well, that was a shock I tried to tell him that I am a member and that group is practically dead. But I guess he was in the same mental state as me where we think it is indeed normal to have a chat group of employers and employees. More importantly, employees can openly say or share anything without thinking about the boss’s presence. One of the senior employees kind of controlled the situation for the intern and me as he was completely planning to show me the group chat right away.

It was a big lesson for me. So never again do I think of such a foolish act. On the other hand, I have found a way that can help me track all the secret chat groups of the employees regarding the work. It is important to mention here that it is not legally right to monitor the employee’s chat or text messages through their gadget. Instead, they use of company-owned devices to monitor the employee’s activities particularly during office hours is completely fine and legal according to state laws and policies.

Anyway, it has been a while since I got my hands on the OgyMogy WhatsApp spy app and I am pretty much satisfied with the feature and services.  The use of spy app service has helped me in many other perspectives as well. Here is how.

I Can Know About Who has Control:

With remote access, to the employee’s group chat thanks to WhatsApp I have come to know many interesting facts about the employees. The spy app has revealed many things about the overall environment of the office. I can know who has leading abilities and who is in charge of taking control when things take a wrong turn. The chat reveals many aspects about the relationship of the employees and teamwork abilities as well. This kind of information can be used to assign projects to those members who are good to each other and can work in a good healthy competitive environment.

About Any Possible Bully Or Bad Apple Presence In the Office:

Whatsapp spy app allows the user to check the private as well as group chat of the employees. You can know about any possible bully or bad apple right away and can take mandatory action. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide a toxic-free environment to the employees.

Keep In Check The Hierarchy Among Employees:

The remote access to the random chat messages and work-related important discussion tells me a lot about the overall hierarchy among the employees. It can reveal who is the go-to person in case of any problem or emergency and who is just the talk.

Track What Kind of Media Files Are Shared In the Employees Group:

Monitor the media files shared through the chat apps secretly. Audio, video, image, and even pdf files can be monitored to ensure no illegal sharing of confidential data.

Suspicious About Any Employee:

In case you are suspicious about any possible employee regarding anything you can directly check and clear your suspicious by having remote access to their chat message through WhatsApp

Other social media and instant messenger chat apps covered by the OgyMogy spy app include the FaceBook messenger spy app, Viber spy app, Line spy app, Snapchat Spy app, and more.

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